Data Protection Description

Data Protection Description for the Union of Film and Media Employees Finland (SET)

  • Data Controller: Union of Film and Media Employees Finland (SET)
  • Business ID: 0809058-1
  • Address: Säästöpankinranta 2, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
  • Contact Persons: Matleena Kuusela (Chairperson), Laura Honkanen (Secretary)
  • Email:
  • Register Name: SET – Organisation Register

Legal Basis for Data Processing:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679
  • Data Protection Act 2018/1050

Purpose of Processing Personal Data:

  • Maintain member list
  • Organisation communication and information sharing
  • Marketing and event management
  • Advocacy and membership services
  • Personnel data management according to employment law

Data Subjects:

  • Members and potential members
  • Online magazine subscribers
  • Website visitors
  • Service providers
  • Stakeholders
  • Personnel

Data Content:

  • Basic information (e.g., name, address, email)
  • Membership details (e.g., date of birth, membership duration)
  • Direct marketing permissions
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Website usage data

Data Sources:

  • Direct from individuals (membership or employment relationship)
  • Event participation and surveys
  • Online subscriptions

Data Storage and Transfer:

  • Primarily within EU/EEA
  • Possible transfers outside EU/EEA (e.g., Google, Microsoft) with protective measures
  • No disclosure to third parties

Data Protection and Access:

  • Electronically stored with secure access
  • Authorised SET officials and specified external parties (e.g., Union of Journalists in Finland) have access

Additional Information:

Data Retention Period:

  • Membership data: As long as membership is valid
  • Personnel data: As per special legislation (e.g., wage accounts for 10 years)
  • Accounting records: Six years post-financial year, as per Accounting Act
  • Contracts and significant documents: 10 years
  • Organisation-produced materials: Stored permanently

Data Subject Rights:

  • Right to access, rectify, or erase personal data
  • Right to object to processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Ombudsman
  • Review requests to be submitted in writing to the register contact person