SET ry

The Union of Film and Media Employees Finland (SET) is a nation-wide cultural organisation established in 1969. SET’s primary task is to promote the status, operational preconditions and advocacy of professionals in the film, television and media industry together with its umbrella organisation the Union of Journalists in Finland (UJF). SET operates on a nation-wide scale, and its members include professionals in permanent and fixed-term employment, self-employed professionals, entrepreneurs and artists working on a grant, for example.


SET has more than 600 members in the Union of Journalists in Finland. SET’s operations are led by the Board selected annually in the union’s annual meeting. The Board consists of a Chairperson, 1–2 Vice Chairpersons and actual and deputy members.

SET is the union of a wide range of professionals in the film, television and audiovisual industry. SET members work in all professions in the film, television and media industry from designers to executors. Members work, for instance, as key grips and grips, 1st and 2nd camera assistants, video assistants, DITs, set designers, line producers, producers, production managers, coordinators and assistants, make-up artists and make-up designers, cinematographers and camerapersons, script supervisors, editors, directors, costumers, costume designers, journalists, gaffers, lighting technicians and assistants, sound designers and sound recorders and teachers and trainers of the aforementioned professions, among other things. Students in audiovisual industry can also join SET as student members and receive all member benefits provided by SET and the umbrella organisation.


SET publishes the Lehtiset magazine that is the only creator-focused magazine in Finland specialised in film, television and media culture. The significance of the online magazine as an influencer in cultural policy is remarkable, and its themes support SET’s takes and statements on cultural policy as well as its strategy. Lehtiset gives diverse visibility for operators in the industry and their work, cultural events and other associations and players in the field.

Advocacy and member benefits

The high-quality advocacy services and member benefits for SET members are produced by the umbrella organisation the Union of Journalists in Finland. As a member, you will receive advice from the Union of Journalists in Finland’s advocacy unit in legal issues related to employment relationships and subcontracting contracts. If necessary, the Union of Journalists in Finland will represent its members in courts of law, and it has so far won approximately 90 per cent of its court cases.

is available via telephone from Monday to Friday 13.00–16.00 at the number +35844 7555 000

You can send your message via email to

We will verify your membership in connection with your contact.

You can call our legal advice service if you have a question, for example, about

  • employment, commission or subcontracting contracts
  • the collective labour agreement
  • change negotiations or lay-offs.

Outside of service hours, you can send an email to lakineuvonta(at)

SET’s advocacy operations include the collective labour agreement negotiations done together with the umbrella organisation the Union of Journalists in Finland. The collective labour agreement for film and TV production is universally valid, and SET’s Board has two representatives at the negotiating table. SET is part of the collective labour agreement committee of the Union of Journalists in Finland, consisting of the representatives of its member associations. In addition, SET has a “Shop steward and collective labour agreement” working group developing shop steward operations and introduces development ideas on the collective labour agreement to the collective agreement committee and the negotiators. SET is an active influencer in developing the working life in the audiovisual industry.

In addition to the collective labour agreement, key parts of the advocacy work include communicating copyrights, training and promoting creators’ interests in copyright organisation Kopiosto. Read more about copyrights here: link to SET’s copyrights page.

SET Board 2023–2024

Chairperson Matleena Kuusela

Actual Board members:
Hannu Liekso
Henni Koski
Tommi Hourula
Elise Castro
Janina Witkowski
Rami Ilola
Turkka Tervonen
Laura Honkanen

Deputy Board members:
Jussi Saari
Kati Koskela
Roosa Tikanoja
Kristian Lehdesniitty

Nainen istuu tuolilla muovinen laatikko sylissä

How to join SET and the Union of Journalists in Finland

Becoming a member