Join the union

SET extensively represents professionals working in the film, television and media industry all around Finland. Join the community and guarantee high-quality member benefits and advocacy services for yourself.

SET’s umbrella organisation, the Union of Journalists in Finland, offers extensive trade union member services, including advice on employment contracts, terms of employment and copyright, training events, member insurance and many other member benefits. Each member of the Union of Journalists in Finland receives an electronic press card after their joining confirmation. You can read more about the member benefits from the website of the Union of Journalists in Finland.

How to join the union

1. How to join the union

Employed member
If you have an employment relationship, join the union by filling in this membership application form.

Freelancer or entrepreneur member
If you work without an employment contact, for example with commission or subcontracting contracts, fill in this form.

Student member
If you are studying the audiovisual industry, fill in this membership application form.

2. Safeguard your unemployment benefit

As a member of SET and the Union of Journalists in Finland, the easiest way to safeguard your unemployment benefit is through the A-Kassa unemployment fund. A-Kassa’s membership fee is included in the SET and UJF membership fee. Joining the unemployment fund or changing your fund can be done easily by authorising the Union of Journalists in Finland to handle the change of unemployment funds in the membership application.

3.You are all set, welcome to the Union of Journalists in Finland as a SET member!

You will receive an SMS once your membership has been approved. Member benefits and advice services (e.g. legal services) will be available to you after this. You will also receive an SMS link from where you can download the electric press card and the UJF application for your mobile phone.